Awaken & Lead Beyond Limits

Your Leadership Today Forges Tomorrows Reality

What Are You Thinking? Why Are You Thinking It? Did You Even Think About It?

What Was the Result?

Are you living the life you truly desire, or are your subconscious beliefs holding you back? Many of us are unaware of the deeply embedded beliefs that steer our lives.

If you’ve tried various programs without lasting success, it’s time to look deeper. Many of our beliefs, formed in adolescence, are at odds with the results we want, causing conflict and frustration.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

When your subconscious and conscious mind aren’t aligned, your dreams remain out of reach. Our program helps you identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, fostering alignment and unlocking your full potential. This is your opportunity to transform your life and achieve the success and happiness you deserve.


Your True Worth will never Exceed your Self-Worth

There is a very distinct difference between what is true and what is truth.

Do you find that belief to be True or False?

Now is your chance to make a difference for you and for others!

"Harvard Business Review states, 95% of people believe they are self-aware, yet only 10-15% truly are. "

This statistic begs the question: what would the world look like if we closed that gap by just 10%? Imagine a world with self-aware leaders of compassion, love, and heart just by moving the that needle a little.

How your gift will be Honored

☻ Creation of continuing Course Content

☻ Book Interviews with Experts with proven success
☻ Needed Platform technology
☻Keeping the vision sustainable

☻Help Spread the Word to Bring Awareness & Clarity to your true purpose and calling
☻keep this vision sustainable

Be a part of forging unity in another person's life, cutting the fuel of anger and division.

As a heartfelt gift from your donation, you’ll gain lifetime access to the "2 Copper Coins for Change" series

In addition;

During the month of July your donation will open an opportunity for you to participate in late September with our VIP 21-day self-awareness program and resources to help bring about true awareness and change.

Make the choice today to roll up the sleeves commit to the real work that brings awareness and change , and we will do the same to support you.

Why your support matters so much?

If we don't start standing for something we stand for nothing.

We Believe Your Freedom and Liberty is Worth Fighting For!

Do you believe?

Lost and wanting to be found?

Have Faith.

We'll work on it! That is if your willing to be found.

Dig deeper to discover why what you see in front of you is not aligning to what you want.

Start pinning down the inner most limiting beliefs holding you back

What is something you believe to be true but have never questioned?

•If you could change one belief about yourself, what would it be?

•When was the last time you acted against your own values?

•What would your life look like if you fully believed in your potential?

•What’s the biggest lie you’ve told yourself?

•What do you avoid thinking about, and why?

•How do your daily actions reflect your deepest desires?

•What would you do differently if you were not afraid of failure?

•What thoughts come up when you’re alone and in silence?

•What is one habit that no longer serves you, and why do you keep it?

Unwind and Reprogram Beliefs for a unstoppable Leadership mindset for success rooted in resilience

Unlock Your Potential

Battle-tested programs and tools to build grit

•Resources to bounce back from obstacles

•Train your mind and rebuild self-image and esteem

•Create new neural pathways for resilience

•Pivot setbacks into comebacks and wins

•Foster confidence and achievement

~If this was unlocked for you, what would it be worth?

The game is won in the mind way before you take the field.

Are you playing to win the race or stay back in the pack?

Chose to make a difference Unleash Your Extraordinary Potential. Yes, That's right. Your extrodinary!

Take Charge of your Leadership Now

Right now, you have the opportunity to make incredible breakthroughs by developing the unstoppable mindset that gets results that come from a place and mind set of win-wins

Don't settle for "ok" when you are capable of so much more - Donate to make a difference in all of us!

Core Leadership dynamics: The Leader of You Project

Address : 9111 Cross Park Dr D200-269 Knoxville, TN 37923

Coming Soon